
Golden Bake - Industrial Automatic Biscuit Making Machinery Manufacturer.

Rotary Biscuit Moulder vs. Rotary Moulder: Which One is More Versatile?

by:Golden Bake     2024-02-17

Rotary Biscuit Moulder vs. Rotary Moulder: Which One is More Versatile?


Biscuit production is an enormous industry, offering a wide range of delicious treats to consumers worldwide. Two key machines used in this industry are the rotary biscuit moulder and the rotary moulder. Both these machines play a vital role in shaping and forming biscuits, but which one is more versatile? In this article, we will explore the features, advantages, and limitations of both the rotary biscuit moulder and the rotary moulder to determine which machine offers greater versatility in biscuit production.

1. The Rotary Biscuit Moulder:

The rotary biscuit moulder is a highly efficient machine used for shaping dough into various forms and patterns. It utilizes a set of rotating cylinders, each engraved with a specific design, to mold the dough. The dough is passed through these cylinders, which result in the desired shape and thickness of the biscuits. The designs on the cylinders can be easily interchangeable, allowing for a wide variety of biscuit shapes to be produced using a single machine.

2. The Rotary Moulder:

On the other hand, the rotary moulder is a different type of machine used in biscuit production. It consists of a large drum wrapped with a brass or stainless steel belt. The dough is fed onto the belt, and as the drum rotates, the dough is pressed between the belt and a patterned roll. The pressure and speed of rotation determine the thickness and design of the final biscuit. Unlike the rotary biscuit moulder, the patterns on the rolls of a rotary moulder are fixed and cannot be changed easily.

3. Versatility in Shape and Design:

When it comes to versatility in shape and design, the rotary biscuit moulder takes the lead. Its interchangeable cylinders enable manufacturers to produce biscuits in countless shapes and patterns. From simple round biscuits to intricate designs, the rotary biscuit moulder offers unparalleled versatility. On the other hand, the rotary moulder, with its fixed patterned rolls, is more limited in terms of the variety of shapes it can produce. While it can still create unique designs, the range is considerably narrower than that of the rotary biscuit moulder.

4. Versatility in Dough Types:

Both the rotary biscuit moulder and the rotary moulder are capable of handling various types of dough. From butter-based to cookie dough, these machines can adapt to the recipe requirements of different biscuit varieties. However, due to its flexible nature, the rotary biscuit moulder is better suited for softer and stickier dough. The rotating cylinders ensure that the dough remains intact and doesn't lose its shape during the moulding process. The rotary moulder, although versatile, may have limitations when dealing with highly sticky dough, as it relies on the pressure and tension exerted by the patterned rolls.

5. Production Capacity and Speed:

When it comes to production capacity and speed, the rotary moulder often takes the lead. As it operates with a continuous belt system, it can produce a higher volume of biscuits in less time compared to the rotary biscuit moulder. The fixed patterned rolls facilitate a faster production process, making it suitable for large-scale biscuit manufacturing. However, the rotary biscuit moulder offers advantages in terms of flexibility. It can easily switch from shaping one type of biscuit to another, making it ideal for smaller-scale or specialized production lines.


In the comparison between the rotary biscuit moulder and the rotary moulder, each machine has its own advantages and limitations. If one is seeking versatility in shaping and design, the rotary biscuit moulder proves to be a more suitable choice. Its interchangeable cylinders allow for a wide range of biscuit shapes and patterns. On the other hand, if the focus is on high-volume production capacity, the rotary moulder excels with its continuous belt system. Ultimately, the choice between the two machines depends on the specific needs and goals of biscuit manufacturers. Both these machines play a vital role in the production of biscuits and contribute to the industry's delicious offerings.

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